Young Professionals Network

About YPN:

REALTOR® Magazine launched the Young Professionals Network (YPN) in 2006 as a way to help the younger generation of REALTORS® build a stronger link with the magazine and the real estate industry.Through networking events, a lively blog, and an engaged YPN Advisory Subcommittee, the program gives its members the tools they need to advance their careers — and have fun in the process.

The Clarksville Association of REALTORS® Young Professionals Network

As the 2018 National Association of REALTORS® Small Network of the Year recipient, our network has become the most sought after committee to join. A diverse group of REALTORS® and Affiliate Members make up our #CARYPN. Our local Network is a mix of agents and affiliates just entering the industry, as well as others who have been in the business for several years. The word “young” is often deceiving for those interested in joining. Our Network, however, is a mix of ages ranging from 20 – 50, so don’t let our name deter you from joining in on the fun. The CAR YPN Committee meets once a month on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of the month, from 9:00 am – 10:00 am in the conference room at CAR. If you are looking to plug in or find a place at the association, we welcome you to attend one of our socials. You are also welcome to be a guest at a monthly committee meeting to see if we’re a good fit for what you’re looking for.

We look forward to seeing you this year, and many years to come. For more information or to join: MESSAGE our Page or email

YPN Mike Groves Memorial Scholarship

Annually, since 2015, the CAR YPN helps students graduating from Montgomery County, Stewart County or Ft, Campbell high schools with their Freshman first semester’s tuition at a University, College, Trade School, or Real Estate Pre-Licensing School through the Mike Groves Memorial Scholarship.

YPN Mission Statement:

YPN helps young real estate professionals excel in their careers by giving them the tools and encouragement to become involved in four core areas:

REALTOR® associations: Attend REALTOR® conferences and pursue leadership roles with their local, state, and national associations.

Real Estate industry: Take an active role in policy discussions and advocacy issues; be informed about the latest industry news and trends.

Peers: Network and learn from one another by attending events, participating in online communication, and seeking out mentoring opportunities.

Community: Become exceptional members of their community by demonstrating a high level of REALTOR® professionalism and volunteering for causes they feel passionate about.